There is no faster way to know when PAA drops a new product!
"I like the alerts- now my wife doesn’t tease me about checking my phone during dinner." ~ Lorne Lehrer
When I hear about New Releases coming up I genuinely get excited, be them wet shaving gear, to new phone tech...However, I often space the release date/time and end up kicking myself when I learn a day later its Sold Out...sigh.
"Those text message alerts are fantastic. Finally snagged the injector razor! Thanks again!" ~Andrew Brovelli
Well I decided to get proactive and make it a bit easier for our loyal customers to stay informed up to the minute of our new releases! Behold...A Text Alert! Simple I know, but oh so helpful in today's world.
I know what you're thinking, "I don't want to give out my number", I get that. The thing is, if you have an account with us, we already have your number...and have never abused it because we respect privacy and I ABSOLUTELY HATE TELESPAMMERS! God, how many do I block a day?
Know that I would never do that to you folks and if you ever want the alerts to stop...simply text back STOP and they are done, I swear. This is simply a new service I would like to offer and test out for a few releases. You could say it's the service I so wish other industries offered for all that cool stuff released that I missed! lol
"I finally signed up for text alerts because I was desperate not to miss the release of the 2nd gen baseplates for the Starling. When the text came through I was very pleased to see that it contained a link right to the item. It worked exactly as intended and I was able to secure my order quickly." ~ Beau Champion