The Lather Lid ™ | The Perfect Companion to The Lightweight Traveler!
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$9.95 USD
Finally, after a little more than 2 years this past December 3rd, we are super stoked to finally bring you The Lather Lid ™!
"I'm about to deploy and this IS PERFECT!!!!!" ~ Logan O, Customer
Yep, you read right, more than 2 years. I know I mention often in these sales pages how much time & energy certain products can take and a few consider this me just being dramatic or hyperbolic, but this one I actually have real honest to goodness proof!
"Oh, now THAT is a great idea!" ~ Mantic 59, The Sharpologist
You see, this idea was not mine, it was the brainchild of a long time customer, John Presley*. It's actually kinda funny, for not only does our Facebook chat actually document the origin story but it also contains photos of my exact location in the desert when it was spoken of! [*Note: Customer's name has been changed for reasons of privacy.]
We get a lot of customer suggestions as you can imagine, and they are all welcome. Truth be told, many will never see the light of day due to so many reasons but John's just happened to work. Not only that, but it especially resonated with me being a "worldly traveler". (His words not mine. See photo.)

But he's right, I do travel a lot and if you do as well, you know sometimes and at the risk of sounding trite, less really is more, especially if you are just relying on a carry on bag...and that's where the Lather Lid™ shines. I know, I know, I already offer a kick butt Travel Scuttle but once more, less is more and though "travel size", the scuttle can be a little bulky in a backpack or overnight bag when space is in short supply. The Lather Lid rocks in the fact that it only adds millimeters in height to the shave soap tub you were already bringing with you! Also, aside from fitting our jars perfectly it also will fit many other artisan tubs by other brands. #WINNING!
Granted, it won't perform in the same fashion as your dedicated shave bowl at home, but it will work up a super creamy and thick lather! The agitator verts work far better than using your opposite hand and even better than your average, on the go face lather, if you ask me...and once again, it's designed to be compact! I should also point out after many experimentations over the last 24 months, we settled on a truly unique "hollow" agitator innovation that collects water aiding in lather production while keeping the lid weight down! This design tweak was actually inspired by our DOC razor head and my experience with Ultra-Light backpacking. Oddly enough, what I was actually training for that fateful day John reached out to me! Note: Remember this is for travel, so use a synthetic...as you would if you were traveling!
Really the perfect companion to any shaver on the road with limited space and time but not willing to sacrifice a damn fine shave! The perfect pairing for that travel brush!
Instructions: Add water, (preferably hot) to the lid. Just enough to fill the channels in the agitators. Load a wet synthetic brush and then proceed to whip up lather in a circle or figure 8 pattern adding any water as needed. Lather will escape the lid but with very little practice you will get a feel for how to catch it on the brush. Note: If the channels are not your thing and weight is not an issue for you, they can always be filled with epoxy too! ;) Happy Shaving & Happy Travels!
Special Thanks to John for this killer idea and I hope you are pleased with the design! Another shout out to our 3d designer Tamas Legvari! I know my ideas are a little, um...out there (?) but you went above an beyond! Shave on gents!Tamás Légvári Tamás
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