Genuine Creosote Aftershave Splash | Now Contains Creosote Hydrosol & Creosote Sprig
More on this magical Shrub
Creosote bush is an aromatic evergreen shrub that grows in the lower Chihuahuan, Sonoran, and Mojave deserts. It tolerates droughts better than any other shrub in North America, and can survive without rain for up to two years. The lovely yellow flower blooms throughout the year after rains. The foliage gives off a distinctive and refreshing odor after a rain, hence the common name creosotebush (Mabry et al. 1977; Powell 1998). It is also one of the longest-lived plants in the world, with some root system or stands surviving throughout much of the Holocene (Robichaux 1999).
Traditional Native Americans used this cure all bush for poultices, decoctions, and infusions of the leaves were utilized to treat a broad range of skin disorders, as well as cuts, abrasions, and boils. Some disorders also were treated by applying the dried and pulverized leaves. It is apparent that creosotebush had both antiseptic/disinfectant and astringent capabilities. Also, it was the original Afterbite! That's right, try a splash of this on an ant or mosquito bite to dull the itch!
Other notable ingredients include, Creosote Hydrosol, Carrot Seed Hydrosol, Vegetable Glycerin, Carrot Seed Extract, Aloe Vera
I am very pleased with this one and happy to finally be able to bottle that rascally Southwestern Storm!
100Ml Flask
Ingredients: Alcohol, Creosote Hydrosol, Creosote Resin, Glycerin, Carrot Seed Extract, Aloe Vera